“What’s most captivating is how the book explores the similarities and differences in the Bible’s content and theological exploits, empowering us to further explore God.”

Pastor Patrick Igbinigie, Founder Victorious Faith Mission, Mauritania.


“This research has benefits that extend beyond the intended audience, making it a valuable and timely contribution to the body of Christ. I specifically recommend this book to all Bible students.”

Rev. Appolonia C. Okwu, Chief Executive Director, Random Grace Mission, Nigeria.


“John’s presentation style of the subject matter is not just disarming but inviting at the same time and seems to take away the inherent fear often associated with the perceived complexity in the subjects.”

Pastor Tillarh Mukasa, Resident Pastor, RCCG Solution Centre, Stockholm, Sweden.





When we were younger, I used to believe timbanabusa, our traditional dish, is the most delicious in the world. But I developed some doubts about my position when I tasted mbongo tchobi, a delicious fish soup from a nearby tribe to ours.

In fact, I marveled in Dakar, the Senegalese capital, when I ate cheebu jen, made from a recipe of rice, various vegetables and spices. Later on in life, I ate the Indian lamb madras soup with rice, Thai green and red curry, and the famous Mexican wraps.

I still can’t decide what’s the most delicious of all meals I have eaten. But I noticed one thing—everyone believes their traditional dish is the most delicious. That’s normal because it is what you learn from childhood in your community. You get challenged only when you come out of your system of beliefs.

I have understood we can only use what we have as resources to make life better for us. So, we interpret life based on what we know. Hence, the importance of having a philosophy that transcends cultures and traditions…

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