Guard Your Heart Against Ignorance, False Prophets, And Manipulators
If you want to take advantage of a group of naïve and uninformed believers, simply twist the scriptures. There are countless possibilities for what people can do with the Bible’s content, whether guided by the Holy Spirit or not. A preacher informed his congregation that the tithes they bring to church are his, with no one else to hold him accountable except God. He defended his position by citing many Scriptures. After repenting, a well-respected man, considered a powerful prophet of God by many, confessed that he received his powers from the marine kingdom. Over the years, he deceived his followers into believing he was a true prophet and collected millions of dollars from them. One Charlatan in a certain village showcased both the Bible and the Quran on his shrine, asserting that spirits used them to grant him healing powers.
I came across another story about a repentant prophet who had a reputation for his ability to perform healing miracles. Despite his efforts, the church he started in the early days of his ministry failed to thrive. Enchanted by the increasing number of members in other churches and the leaders’ ability to gather large amounts of money through tithes and offerings, he resolved to make his church grow at any expense. Hence, another spiritual leader involved in a satanic cycle introduced him to the powers of the dark world, and he used these powers to lure people to his side.
You are the most gullible believer on earth to think these testimonies are a joke. This doesn’t mean there aren’t any authentic spiritual leaders out there. As we speak, fraudulent teachers and prophets ensnare millions of believers. I’m referring to individuals, both men and women, who deliberately formed partnerships with entities from the dark realm in order to gain supernatural abilities and attract a large audience through miracles. Can you guess what makes these people far more dangerous? It’s difficult for naïve, ignorant, lazy, or busy Christians to uncover their tricks.
False prophets and teachers enjoy generating twisted rhemas from the Logos and replacing the logos with those rhemas. Their enhanced capacity to do so places a formidable weapon of mass destruction at their disposal. With their captivating motivational messages and eloquent speeches, they can sway even the most devout Christian.
The content of the Bible is the Logos. Insights inspired by the Bible’s content are called rhemas. Just one verse from the Bible can spark thousands of rhemas. There really is no boundary. But the Logos and the rhemas should be understood as separate entities. Misunderstanding this truth makes you vulnerable to false teachers and prophets, or even unlearned preachers with genuine intentions. They give the impression that the unrealistic rhemas they generate are the Word of God for everyone in all contexts.
Despite the Logos’ capacity to produce many rhemas from a single verse, most of them offer no benefit to you. Why? In dealing with us, God considers our contexts and individual situations, even within a large Christian movement. This is the point where many Christians make a mistake and allow themselves to be taken advantage of. Their thirst for knowledge and miracles has caused them to overlook the fundamental principles of God’s relationship with us, both individually and collectively.
Here’s the essential information about rhemas you should know. You need the Logos (Bible’s content) in order to generate them. Holy Spirit-inspired rhemas rely on the Logos, just as Holy Spirit-inspired theologies depend on the Bible’s content. Not all rhemas you generate or encounter will be valuable in your specific scenario. You need specific rhemas to aid you in handling the challenges you confront. The rhemas generated by different individuals, even when dealing with similar situations, possess subtle variations. Rhemas are comparable to fingerprints, appearing similar but varying in design.
If you make a mistake with any of the previous points, make sure you don’t make a mistake with this one. You generate the rhemas you need to come out of your challenges by reading and meditating on the Bible’s content yourself. No one else will do that job on your behalf. It’s your life, your situation, your context, your duty. No one has a better understanding of your life and situation than God and yourself.
If you’re really in need, God will lead someone to you or guide you to someone for help. However, it only occurs sporadically, not consistently. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you must build a unique connection with your Father. That is your primary duty as a believer. Don’t seek help from different pastors or prophets unless God is guiding you. Do you understand why so many fall victim to predators?
To gain a deeper understanding of using the Logos and rhemas correctly, I suggest reading ‘The Bible Vs Theology‘ research work. I would be grateful if you could give me a follow on YouTube, Facebook, Strong Meat, Twitter, TikTok, and Blog. Let’s share the Word together.
Remain Blessed and see you shortly!